
Parts & Services

Date started
July 2023

Job Role
Parts & Services Industrial Placement

Why did you apply to Stellantis?

I applied to Stellantis’ s industrial placement programme because of its strong reputation in the automotive industry, its leadership in innovation and technology, its diverse portfolio of brands and personnel, its global reach, commitment to sustainability, and opportunities for career development. I believe that working at Stellantis will provide me with valuable experience that align with my passion for automotive advancements and sustainability.

What do you enjoy the most about your programme?

My industrial placement programme at Stellantis has been enriching and rewarding so far for several reasons:

  • One of the most valuable aspects of this program is the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the automotive industry. I get to apply the knowledge I’ve gained in my academic studies to solve practical problems and contribute to the company’s projects.
  • Learning Opportunities: Stellantis provides a wealth of learning opportunities. I have access to experienced professionals who are willing to mentor me, share their knowledge, and help me grow in my role. This exposure to seasoned experts has been incredibly enriching for my personal and professional development.
  • Innovation and Sustainability: Stellantis UK is committed to innovation and sustainability, which aligns with my own values and interests. Being part of a company that prioritizes eco-friendly technologies and seeks innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of vehicles is something I find incredibly rewarding.
  • Networking Opportunities: This program has provided me with excellent networking opportunities. I’ve been able to attend industry events, and workshops, where I’ve met professionals from various sectors of the industry. Building a professional network at this stage in my career is invaluable.
  • Supportive Environment: The company culture at Stellantis UK is inclusive and supportive. I’ve always felt like a valued member of the team, and my supervisors and colleagues have been approachable and encouraging.

What are the Perks of working for Stellantis?

The company provides loads of perks which vary from the remuneration, holidays and the friends & family car scheme.

The perk that really does it for me it the remote working. Remote work has been a game-changer for my work-life balance. The flexibility it offers allows me to structure my day more effectively, making me more productive and enabling me to allocate time for personal activities and family.

What advice would you give to others looking to join an early careers programme at Stellantis?

If you value diversity, innovation and sustainability. Stellantis is the right place for you. Stellantis’ early careers program offers a multitude of benefits, including professional development, exposure to cutting-edge technology, and the opportunity to work for a globally recognized automotive powerhouse where you will be learning from industry leading professionals.

Choosing Stellantis can be an excellent steppingstone to launch a successful career in the automotive industry.

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